Full member
Contact information
Washington street, no 38,
Tel: +40 31 805 8165
Fax: +40 31 805 8165
Email: office[at]federatiavolum.ro
Website: www.federatiavolum.ro
General information
VOLUM is the Federation of Organisations Supporting the Development of Volunteering in Romania. The VOLUM Federation is a national membership network for volunteer involving organisations, volunteer centres, educational institutions and research centres with interest in volunteering, public institutions involving volunteers and other stakeholders of volunteering.
The mission of the VOLUM Federation is to facilitate the dialogue and coordinated action of all the stakeholders in the volunteering movement to achieve the sustainable development of volunteering in Romania. The federation was established in June 2010 by 25 founding members, among which are some of the largest volunteer involving organisations in Romania. In January 2011 the federation already had 43 members.
The strategic objectives of the VOLUM Federation are:
*to build its legitimacy as the voice for volunteering in Romania;
*to contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for volunteering in Romania;
*to support the development of its member organisations and increase the quality of volunteering in Romania;
*to achieve wide recognition of the value of volunteering for the individual and societal development.
The VOLUM federation is registered in Bucharest and has one full time member of staff. It is managed by a Board of Directors of 7, elected by the General Assembly for a 3 year mandate, and is represented by a President also elected by the General Assembly for a 3 year mandate.
VOLUM federation has been created within the unique context provided by the European Year of Volunteering 2011 and has already positioned itself as a lead actor in the field by steering the creation, around the Romanian NCB, of a national coordination group for implementing Romania’s national action plan for 2011.