Centro Servizi Volontariato Vicenza
Full member
Contact information
Contrà Mure San Rocco 37/A
36100 Vicenza
Tel: +39 0444 235308
Email: info@csv-vicenza.org ; volontariatoinretevicenza@pec.csv-vicenza.it
Website: www.csv-vicenza.org
General information
The CSV of Vicenza is proposed as a real connecting and coordinating actor among volunteering organisations of the province of Vicenza by promoting a volunteerism that gives all citizens a key role.
Its goal is to support and qualify the volunteer activity of organisations and volunteers, offering certified advice and assistance, as well as tools for planning, initiating and carrying out specific actions.
In order to make volunteering in the territory more decisive and effective, it promotes the qualification and the improvement of the skills of the volunteers, providing information, news, documentation and data on local and national activities of the organisations and developing ideas and innovations useful for the growth of the volunteerism of Vicenza, meeting the specific needs of the area.