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RESOURCES > Publications > External Articles

External Articles

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''CEV and BBE: Promoting civic engagement on a European level together'' Article by Gabriella Civico, CEV Director
June 2023


''How do the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe affect to the third sector?'' Article by Gabriella Civico, CEV Director
January 2022

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''Digitalization & the European Volunteering Capital competition: How has the pandemic affected competition? How important are the digital tools in this?'' Article by Gabriella Civico, CEV Director
November 2021

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''Sustaining volunteer energy when fuel capacity is low'' Article by Gabriella Civico, CEV Director

April 2021


''In countries based on democratic principles, minority groups continue to experience discrimination'' Article by Gabriella Civico, CEV Director
September 2020


''We are grateful for nothing so much as gratitude'' by BBE



“Volunteering policy in Europe” Article by Gabriella Civico, CEV Director

September 2020

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“El voluntariado tiene valor para las personas, las comunidades, la economía y la sociedad” Interview with Gabriella Civico, CEV Director

May 2020

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“Volunteering: a head and heart approach to COVID 19” by CEV Board Member, George Thomson

April 2020

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“Solidarity and people who care can literally mean life” by CEV President Lejla Šehić Relić

April 2020


"The European Volunteer Capital Competition" by CEV Director Gabriella Civico

February 2020


“We do not want only to celebrate volunteering, but also create and spread a new Culture of Solidarity” Interview with Emanuele Alecci, President of EV Capital 2020 Padova

January 2020


"The challenges of volunteering in 2020" by CEV President, Lejla Šehić Relić

December 2019


“Volunteering is a Choice for Change!” by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

May 2019


"The #EVCapital 2019 is a chance to give recognition to the value of volunteers in Kosice and develop ways to support them" Interview with Miloslav Klíma, Project Manager EV Capital Kosice 2018

December 2018


“Our chance to create better societies” by CEV President, Lejla Šehić Relić

November 2018


"Fanning the flames of firebrands" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

November 2018

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“Volunteering in Europe: the recognition of skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning. State of play” Interview with Gabriella Civico, CEV Director

September 2018


"Recognition and Validation of Non-Formal and Informal learning achieved through volunteering" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

July 2018


“Rijeka 2020, what legacy for Volunteering in Culture?” by The Civil Society Development Association SMART

June 2018


“Volunteering & Solidarity in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

April 2018


"The vision is to rethink the cohesion of the city through volunteerism and social action" Interview with Francesca Pisano, ESC Volunteer Aarhus EV Capital 2018

January 2018


Workshop Report: "Voluntourism” in the culture sector: Added value or valueless exploitation?" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico



"Volunteering policy in Europe" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

September 2017


"Raising visibility on volunteering" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

April 2017


“European Solidarity Corps: Summarizing Opportunities and Risks of a New Initiative” by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico



"The promotion of the volunteering: an investment to promote social capital and values" by Susana Szabo & Gabriella Civico

April 2016


“The value of volunteering to communities and society” by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

September 2014

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"Volunteering in Europe – International exchange about concepts and benefits to society" by Sören Hoyer and the contributions of Mirko Schwärzel (CEV Treasurer) and Gabriella Civico (CEV Director)

January 2014

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“The ILO Manual for volunteer measurement: providing an evidence base for EU volunteering policies” by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

December 2013

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“Meeting the challenges through good cross-sector collaboration" by CEV Director, Gabriella Civico

May 2012

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​“Putting volunteering in the picture of European policymakers”
Interview with Eva Hambach, CEV President

October 2011

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​“The key role of civil society” by Gabriella Civico (EYV 2011 Alliance Project Manager)

October 2011


“Towards the European Policy Agenda on Volunteering: Taking Into Account the Needs of Families” by Gabriella Civico (EYV 2011 Alliance Project Manager)

April 2011


​“Introduction to EVY 2011 Alliance” by Gabriella Civico (EYV 2011 Alliance Project Manager)



​“Volunteering-Why does it matter?” by Gabriella Civico (EYV 2011 Alliance Project Manager)


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