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Frivilligcentre og Selvhjælp Danmark (FriSe)
Full member
Contact information
Østerågade 2, 1. th.
9000 Aalborg C
Tel: +45 98 12 24 24
Email: frise[at]
General information
FriSe’s primary function is to represent its members and to support and develop volunteer centres nationwide. Together the network makes sure that the volunteering community benefits from good working conditions so it can develop and become active. FriSe also strives to enhance the conditions of local volunteering.
FriSe and the volunteer centres’ mission is to promote local volunteering and to contribute to social change and cohesion by unifying organisations, citizens, city councils and local businesses in solving current social challenges. We believe that volunteering creates welfare and adds meaning for the individual and society as a whole. We are watchful of how demands and expectations of volunteering develop in general, and where necessary argue such points.
*Lobbying the government on various issues including financing of operational costs and creation of new volunteer centres
*Involving FriSe and its members in government projects where relevant
*Acting as a consultant for members on various issues such as professional organisation development and playing an advisory role for the centres’ board of trustees
*Managing, the official database for volunteering opportunities in Denmark.
FriSe has currently over 80 local volunteer centers and self-help organisations as members.
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