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Volunteering & Employability

Volunteering & Well-being, Health

  1. A Cross-National Comparison of the Internal Effects of Participation in Voluntary Organizations by Marc Morjé Howard and Leah Gilbert (POLITICAL STUDIES: 2008 VOL 56, 12–32) - Summary by Dani King 

  2. Volunteering, subjective well-being and public policy by Martin Binder, Andreas Freytag (Journal of Economic Pyschology Volume 34, February 2013, Pages 97-119) - Summary by Charlotte Lowe

  3. Is Volunteering Rewarding in Itself? by Stephan Meier, Alois Stutzer (Discussion Paper No. 1045 March 2004) - Summary by Amber Keates

  4. Health Benefits of Volunteering in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study by Jane Allyn Piliavin and Erica Siegl ( Journal of Health and Social Behavior Vol. 48, No. 4 (Dec., 2007), pp. 450-464) - Summary by Dani King

  5. Association of volunteering with mental well-being: a lifecourse analysis of a national population-based longitudinal study in the UK by Tabassum, F. Mohan, J. and Smith, P. ( BMJ Open, 2016, Vol. 6) - Summary by Charlotte Lowe

  6. Volunteering and Mortality Among Older Adults: Findings from a National Sample by Musick, M., Herzog, A. and House, J. (1999).  (The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 54B(3), pp.S173-S180) - Summary by Dani King.

  7. Formal volunteering and self-perceived health. Causal evidence from the UK-SILC.  by Fiorillo, D. and Nappo, N. (2016). (Review of Social Economy, 75(2), pp.112-138) - Summary by Alexandra Grondelski


  1. The Payoff to Work without Pay: Volunteer Work as an Investment in Human Capital by Kathleen M. Day and Rose Anne Devlin (The Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique Vol. 31, No. 5 (Nov., 1998), pp. 1179-1191 (13 pages) - Summary by Samuel Bruce

  2. Corporate volunteering climate: Mobilizing employee passion for societal causes and inspiring future charitable action by Rodell, J., Booth, J., Lynch, J., Zipay K. ( Academy of Management Journal Vol. 60, No. 5, pp 1662–1681.) - Summary by Amber Keates

  3.  Age and Motives for Volunteering: Further Evidence by Maria Celeste Davila and Juan Francisco Diaz-Morales  (Europe's Journal of Psychology 2/2009,pp 82-95 ) - Summary by Dani King

  4. Does it pay to care? Volunteering and economic opportunities  by  Baert, S., Vujić, S. (Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 31 Issue 3, pp 819-836) - Summary by Amber Keates


Volunteering & Environment

  1. Evaluating the impact of environmental volunteering on behaviours and attitudes to the environment by Rachel Hine, Jo Peacock and Jules Pretty, ( University of Essex Report for BTCV Cymru April 2008) - Summary by Amber Keates


Volunteering & Humanitarian Crisis Management

  1. Guests on the Aegean: interactions between migrants and volunteers at Europe's southern boarder by Alexandra Knott, (Mobilities, 2018, Vol 13, No. 1 pp 349-366) - Summary by Amber Keates


 Volunteering & Religion

  1. National Context, Religiosity, and Volunteering: Results from 53 Countries by Ruiter, S. and De Graaf, N. (2006). (American Sociological Review, 71(2), pp.191-210.) - Summary by Samuel Bruce


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