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AGENDA Study visits > September 2009

September 2009

From Monday 7 to Friday 11 September, CEV secretariat hosted a study visit for 11 representatives of CEV member organisations in its headquarters in Brussels. This visit aimed at giving a closer and more tangible overview of the work CEV does at EU level. During these days, the participants had the chance to visit some of the European institutions, to meet EU officials working in the respective fields, including their representatives in the European Parliament and regional representations, and to get an insight into EU policies and programmes interesting for volunteer organisations.




During this special week, the participants were given various presentations regarding the role of CEV, the European Union (EU) institutions and their functioning, the EU decision-making process and different European programmes in which CEV and its members participate through their projects: Europe for Citizens Programmes; Youth in Action programme; Lifelong learning programme; Structural Funds programme.

Other specific topics were also presented such as the implementation of European programmes of the European Year of Volunteering. In addition to these lectures, the participants had the opportunity to visit the European Commission, the European Parliament, their respective regional representations and two Belgian volunteer organisations: The Plateforme Francophone du Volontariat and Het Punt.




The participants of this Job Shadowing represented the following organisations: France Bénévolat (France), C.A.R.D.O (Slovakia), Volunteer Centre Denmark (Denmark), Volunteering England (UK), VSO (UK), Volunteer Centre North Lanarkshire (UK), CNV Lucca (Italy), CIESSEVI (Italy), BBE (Germany), Federació Catalana del Volontariat Social (Spain) and La Plateforme Francophone du Volontariat (Belgium).

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