Volontariato Torino (Vol.To)
Contact information
Volontariato Torino – Vol.To
Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Torino
Via Giolitti, 21 – 10123 Torino
Tel +39 011 8138711
Fax +39 011 8138777
Facebook – Twitter – YouTube – Instagram
General information
Vol.To – Volontariato Torino is a second-level association whose partners are exclusively Volunteer Organizations. It operates as a Service Centre for Volunteering for Torino and the Torino Metropolitan Area according to the national regulations for volunteering (L. n. 266 dated 11th August 1991; M.D. dated 8th October 1997). It has been formally created on January 1, 2015, by the merger of two Service Centres previously operating on the above territories: Volontariato, Sviluppo e Solidarietà in Piemonte (V.S.S.P.) and Idea Solidale, factually operating jointly already some time before that date.
The new Service Centre has its Principal Office in Via Giolitti 21, Torino, and 7 secondary offices in the whole Metropolitan Area. Vol.To works to provide free services (such as training, consultancy, planning assistance) to assist the voluntary associations in the Province of Turin. Thanks to its key position within the volunteering network in Turin and in Italy Vol.to aims at generate new opportunity for the territory.
Key activities are:
- Initiatives for fostering Solidarity Culture, the mobilization of volunteers on the territory and information for Associations, such as:
Helpdesk and communication for volunteering;
Volunteers festivals;
Library of books and newspapers
- Calls for ideas or services, aiming at supporting the specific projects and initiatives of Volunteer Associations
Mission and Vision
Our Vision is a future in which the distinctive features of volunteering – free and self-giving, reciprocity and trust, passion and spirit of initiative, responsibility and care for each other – will be a guide for individual and collective challenge.
Our Mission is to qualify and support volunteers in order to enable them to seize opportunities and take individual paths of development. For this purpose we develop projects to increase the interest in voluntary works as well as build tailor-made learning paths on the needs of volunteers.