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Centro Servizi al Volontariato della provincia di Genova

Full member
Contact information

Via di Sottoripa 1A int 16
16124 Genoa
Tel: +39 010 59 56 815
Fax: +39 010 54 50 130
Email: celivo[at]


General information


CELIVO is a non-for-profit, apolitical association that:

*is inspired by solidarity and democratic principles
*recognises and respects the identity and autonomy of every single member and every single beneficiary association
*within its structure, supports the largest representation of the world of volunteering and pays particular attention to involving and valuing big complex organisations and small and non-formal ones equally
*guarantees equal access to its services without any kind of discrimination
*pursues its aims with particular attention to not neglect any field of volunteering activity and in order to support specific cultural areas
*encourages communication and promotes experience exchanges and collaboration among voluntary organisations


Within the scope of promoting a culture of solidarity, full dignity and respect of human rights, quality of life and of the environment, social and cultural pluralism, CELIVO:

  1. promotes projects, tools and initiatives for the enlargement of the culture of solidarity, the promotion of new voluntary initiatives and the reinforcement of existing ones, encouraging forms of participation and active citizenship of associations and individuals

  2. offers counselling, qualified assistance and tools for project management, for starting and carrying out specific activities; moreover, it can offer direct support to projects of voluntary associations, carried out by single associations or by networks, according to criteria and modalities stated by CELIVO

  3. undertakes training and qualification initiatives

  4. collects, elaborates and offers information, news, documentation and data relevant to volunteering activities and to the local, national and international non-profit sector

  5. conducts studies and research

  6. carries out any other activity that may prove necessary and useful to the acomplishment of its statutory goals.

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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