CEV Congress 2019
The CEV Autumn Volunteering Congress 2019 took place on 20-21 November. The Congress consisted of the following events: the Lever UP International Conference, the #EVCapital 2021 Candidates Presentations, the CEV General Assembly & Elections, and the European Conference "Valuing Volunteering" (Impact and lessons of ESC - Legal status, traditions and cultures of Volunteering and Solidarity in Europe). It was supported by the Europe for Citizens Programme, Erasmus+, The Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU, and by Košice, European Volunteering Capital 2019. Volunteers and representatives of civil society organisations, municipalities, and EU institutions participated.
On 21st November more than 33 delegates from 51 member organisations discussed and approved the 2018 activity and financial reports; voted for the 2020 activity plan and budget; approved a new Post 2020 Strategic Plan; approved a new policy about Volunteering and Social Prescribing; and elected a new President (Lejla Šehić Relić) and 4 new members of the Board: Catalina Parra (ES), Emmeline Orban (BE), Jan Verdee (BE), Lena Karnalova (BG), Nina Arwitz (IE).