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European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering

Plataforma Voluntariado España (Spain)
Centre for European Volunteering - CEV (Belgium)
Volunteer Ireland (Ireland)
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To define common quality standards in order to facilitate to voluntary organisations and institutions across the EU the identification, promotion and development of good practices in the field of youth volunteering.
Activity 1: European consultation (June - November 2021)
The first project meeting will take place in June. During this meeting, the project partners will define the methodology for the consultation that they will carry out across the EU. The aim of this consultation is to identify the quality standards most commonly used in the European youth volunteering sector.
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Activity 2: Defining the European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering (December 2021 - February 2022)
The project partners will prepare the results from the consultation to be presented during the second project meeting. During this meeting, the project partners will analyse the results and based on them, they will define the European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering.
Activity 3: Pilot testing (March - December 2022)
In order to assess whether the recently defined European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering are understood and welcomed by the European youth volunteering sector, the project partners will organise a transnational pilot testing. The pilot testing will take the form of a contest -European Youth Volunteering Award- as to motivate the participation of youth volunteering organisations across the EU. The jury will apply, for the very first time, the European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering to evaluate the submitted projects and to select the winner.
Activity 4: Improvement (January - March 2023)
During the third project meeting, the project partners will also evaluate the feedback from the youth volunteering organisations who participated in the pilot testing, and based on it, they will define the necessary improvements to be implemented on the European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering before the final publication.
Activity 5: Final dissemination (April - May 2023)
The project partners will disseminate the European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering across the EU.