WHAT WE DO > European projects > Current projects > REVIVE > CERVIS
Citizen Engagement for Recovery -
Volunteering In Solidarity

Project No. 101051597
(Revealing European Values In Volunteering in Europe - REVIVE Project No. 101051131)
CERVIS “Citizen Engagement for Recovery - Volunteering In Solidarity” aim at promoting Citizen Engagement and equality through volunteering - connecting volunteering to EU Values.
Through the European Volunteering Capital Competition, CERVIS enabled volunteers & staff of volunteer-involving & volunteer infrastructure organisations, and local authorities, to engage in mutual learning and exchange good practices on the role of volunteering as active citizen engagement and an expression of democracy and European values.
The #REVIVE, #CERVIS and “What Europe (K)needs” campaigns gave visibility to, and raised awareness about, the provisions and support for civil society, volunteering and volunteers that are enabled under different EU policies such as the European Democracy Action Plan and programmes such as CERV, the “Next Generation EU” funds, European Solidarity Corps & Erasmus+ and increase engagement of volunteers and volunteer organisations in these initiatives.
Through toolkits and training courses, CERVIS increased the capacities of organisations to create favourable conditions for advancing gender equality and tackling multiple and intersecting discrimination and as a result, provide inclusive volunteering opportunities involving the full diversity of genders and other discriminating factors.
CEV have increased capacity to directly reach more than 17,000 citizens and entities interested in volunteering and bring the European context to their work, especially in the framework of volunteering weeks, festivals and conferences in 8 member states. We shared 30 examples of different volunteer-involving responses and individual volunteer stories and in this way inspire and activate even more citizens as volunteers. Volunteering will be better understood in society as a key tool of citizen engagement and expression of solidarity contributing to the future of Europe and equality on the basis of EU Values and active citizen engagement.