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Citizen Engagement for Recovery -
Volunteering In Solidarity

CERVIS Campaign

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Project No. 101051597
(Revealing European Values In Volunteering in Europe - REVIVE Project No. 101051131)


CERVIS “Citizen Engagement for Recovery - Volunteering In Solidarity” aim at promoting Citizen Engagement and equality through volunteering - connecting volunteering to EU Values.

In the context of a 4-year framework agreement grant under the European Union “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values'' fund (CERV) - “REVIVE” (Revealing European Values in Volunteering in Europe), the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) has organised a series of #CERVIS online and offline workshops. The workshops addressed the fact that volunteering is an effective vehicle for citizen engagement, and it is a main agent of a true social transformation. It supports social inclusion, equality, and solidarity, it underpins active citizenship, community resilience and citizen engagement, it promotes shared responsibilities and European values. The participants were able to reflect on the fact that around the world, we are witnessing the increase of activism and volunteering crossing borders that connect people who are motivated to respond to global challenges such as climate change, migrations and the COVID-19 pandemic and that all of this has reaffirmed the importance of solidarity beyond borders as a way to address common challenges and inequalities, as well as protect rights and support vulnerable people. Participants’ attention was drawn to the fact that volunteering contributes to the European Social model, to security, peace, cohesion, recovery and prosperity and provides a framework for a constructive narrative for the Future of Europe as an alternative to extremist and populist views, ideologies, and actions, as well as contributing to their prevention. The fact that volunteering can actively prevent Hate Speech, promotes inclusion and tolerance, and enables citizens to be directly active in developing the Europe they strive for based on democratic values, equality and inclusiveness was emphasised in the events that promoted equality through the actions of volunteers and contributed to improving equality and inclusiveness in volunteering itself by advancing gender equality and tackling multiple and intersecting discrimination.

A total of 318 participants (88 male & 230 female) in 10 countries took part:

  • Belgium (NL) - 1 December 2022

  • Bulgaria (BG) - 14 November 2022

  • Croatia (HR) - 9 December 2022

  • Hungary (HU) - 13 December 2022

  • Italy (IT) - 14 December 2022

  • Malta (EN) - 2 December 2022

  • Romania (RO) - 24 November 2022

  • Slovakia (SK) - 22 September, 24 November 2022

  • Slovenia (SI) - 29 November 2022

  • Spain (ES) - 2 November 2022

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