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Department for Social Development (DSD) Northern Ireland

Contact information

Department for Social Development
Lighthouse Building
1 Cromac Place
Gasworks Business Park
Ormeau Road

Telephone: 028 9082 9000

General information


The Department for Social Development (DSD) is part of the Northern Ireland Government Executive with responsibility for the policy in relation to the voluntary and community sector (VCS) . Our aim is to ensure a vibrant and sustainable voluntary and community sector that can thrive and work closely with Government in the design and delivery of policy and services in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland.

DSD is responsible for the delivery of Northern Ireland’s first ever volunteering Strategy which aims to promote and develop volunteering in Northern Ireland and provides a strong policy context allowing Volunteering to flourish.

DSD provide annual funding of £1.7m to support volunteering in Northern Ireland resourcing a Volunteer Small Grants Programme and a Volunteering Innovation Fund in addition to resourcing volunteering infrastructure within NI..

Further information on DSD may be obtained from the DSD Website

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