WHAT WE DO > European Volunteering Capital > EVCapital 2017
Sligo, European Volunteering Capital 2017
Strengthening, Inspiring & Celebrating Volunteering and Solidarity in Europe since 2013
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Sligo Volunteer Centre was established in 2007. There are 21 Volunteer Centres and 7 Volunteer Information Services around the Country. Sligo Volunteer Centre and Sligo County Council decided to come together to make a bid for European Volunteering Capital.
The Opening Ceremony for Sligo- European Volunteering Capital 2017 took place on 27 January 2017. Sligo has attracted a number of National Events in 2017. “As a small municipality comprising approximately 68,000 people – 62.8% of whom are rural dwellers – this is a huge honour for our County.”
You can find the evaluation from the international jury here.
Two of the main achievements of Sligo have been the Adopt a Charity campaign working with charities and linking them with corporate volunteers to meet the needs in their community and the clock counting the Volunteer Hours, in order to recognise all volunteers for their efforts.
From the 10 -13 October EV Capital 2017 Sligo held an exhibition in the European Parliament, demonstrating the valuable contribution of volunteers and volunteering activities in Sligo Hosted by MEP Marian Harkin the opening of the exhibition on featured presentations from Commissioner Phil Hogan, Irish ambassador Helena Nolan and Cathoirleacht Seamus Kilgannon .
There was also a volunteering seminar on 11 October involving a delegation of c. 30 volunteers from different local organisations and policymakers from Sligo, in Brussels as part of a study visit implemented in connection with their role as European Capital of Volunteering 2017.
The closing ceremony will take place in Sligo in December, ending an year of amazing developments in terms of volunteering. "Sligo aims to celebrate, recognise and inspire – Celebrate where we have come to, Recognise those who are involved and Inspire others to get involved!"
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